The Embodied Way Through Anxiety

A mindfulness and movement-based path towards freedom from your anxious body & mind for

a calmer and more compassionate relationship with yourself.

Next Cohort Begins February 6

Self study also available anytime... details below!

The Embodied Way Through Anxiety is designed for anyone who wants to explore how the body can be the antidote to stress and anxiety, and the gateway to more ease and freedom

Whether you're brand new to the idea that our nervous system even impacts our day to day life or you've had anxiety for decades and tried

CBT, mindfulness, therapy and the works, there is something here for


I hope to guide you towards knowing that you make sense, that your mind and your body CAN be on your side (and is already), and to support you in building trust that there is a whole world of calm, ease and intuition waiting for you, even if it's sometimes hard to reach.

I'm Morgan - Yoga Teacher, Trauma Therapist and

lover of personal growth.

This program is an exploration based on the most important lessons and practices I have learned in my career. It is everything I wish I had known years ago when I began healing my relationship with myself and my nervous system AND it's everything I wish each of my counselling clients would walk in the door knowing and having experienced.

As a counsellor, I often work with clients for months or even years helping them connect to their body, develop consistent regulation and self care practices and regulate their nervous system. This course is born out of my desire for clients - and everyone, really - to have already begun this process (or be doing it elsewhere), so that increased capacity for daily challenges and the capacity deeper work is already there!

Once the basics are taken care of, more and more of your time can be spent creating more joy, and spending time on the people and parts of life that are important to you. Your one on one counselling, healing, and personal growth work can go beyond just managing and instead, spend time diving deeper, working on your relationships and moving forward with your life.


Learn the language of the nervous system and begin to understand your struggle, why it makes sense and how to hold compassion for yourself.


Discover strategies that work for you, as an individual, that will allow you to reduce anxiety and connect to your body. Feel more empowered, grounded and in control.


Over time, practice bringing more relaxation and spaciousness into your every day life, while increasing your capacity to deal with discomfort, stress and your full range of emotions.


Build a safe and informative relationship with your body that is focused on regulating anxiety, connecting to positive experiences, strengthening your intuition and building trust in yourself.

If you struggle with anxiety or just want to create more calm and body connection in your life....... here is the door.

If you're here, you're likely craving more ease in your life; it's no secret that we live in a world that is full of stress, expectations and mile-long to do lists. While our minds and our worries can be wonderful at helping us rise to the occasion, they can often take over. Without slowing down and connecting with our bodies we are missing out on a vital piece of our experience.

You deserve to feel connected to yourself, to trust that you know what is happening inside you as well as what to do and how to respond to yourself. Each person has the right to feel safe and at ease in life and be able to relax without a million thoughts or doubts jumping in.

I believe the body is the way into this reality.

What's Included?

  • 12 Weeks of Learning Modules (audio lessons), broken down into 5 phases
  • Journalling Prompts to deepen our relationship with yourself and reflect on the lessons
  • Activities and mindfulness prompts to help integrate lessons into your daily life
  • Regulation Strategies for each module
  • Yin Yoga classes for each of the 5 Phases
  • Community Group (not on facebook) to connect and receive support
  • 6 Additional Bi-Weekly Videos with me starting with a short grounding or mindfulness exerciseand a chance to ask questions about the material (note: this does not include personal advice or counselling)

The experience:

  • A new language and understanding of working with the nervous system and anxiety
  • A toolbox of regulation strategies and how to best use them to create calm & navigate emotions
  • A better understanding of your internal world and more compassion for yourself
  • A heightened connection to your body and practice using your body as a resource and source of intuition
  • How to compassionately work with blocks, numbing behaviours, feeling stuck in anxious patterns
  • An new appreciation for how the body and mind can work together
  • Practice reflecting on and engaging on yourself and your world in a mindful way

Monthly Payments

$125 x 4

  • Less than the cost of one counselling session a month
  • Begins Feb 6 for 12 weeks. You will have access to community support for 4 months.

One Payment


  • Receive 20% off when you pay in full
  • Begins Feb 6 for 12 weeks. You will have access to community support for 4 months.

Reviewer Rate


(this rate is also available for students/low income)

  • Commit to keeping up with the course and providing feedback for each module.
  • If you are unable to keep up this agreement, your credit card will be charged the remaining amount

The Solo Way...


One Payment

  • Start right away
  • Receive all course material, but no community forum or calls with Morgan
  • Great for those who are self motivated and have community & support

Begin befriending your body...

It will thank you.

Why apply, you might ask?

Nothing sneaky going on here! My primary goal is to make sure everyone is supported in the way that works best for them.

This short application makes sure you're in the right place! If you are, I'll send you the sign up link asap, and you'll have access to the welcome module right away. If not, I can direct you to support that might be a better fit for you.

Want to talk to a real person? Let me know and we can chat about where you're at, and if this is the right place for you. Send me an email at and we can connect over the phone.


How much time does this program require?

The lessons vary in length, but the key part of this program is the time you spend journalling, trying regulation strategies and implementing mindfulness and relaxation activities such as yoga.

In short, you can take 1-2 hours a week to work through this program, but in reality, you will receive back what you put into it!

Is this counselling, or a substitute for counselling?

NO. This program is not counselling. This is a psycho-education based program designed to teach and offer strategies and practices. You will not receive any personalized coaching/counselling or feedback during the program.

If you have any diagnosed or suspected mental health disorder, I do require you to have a counsellor you can see during the duration of this course in case anything comes up you require personalized support with.

Do I need to have experience with yoga or meditation for this program?

Absolutely not.

The yoga in this course is meant to be for any skill level and flexibility; in fact it is much less about the shapes we put our body into than it is what is happening inside our body and minds while we engage in yoga.

Similarly, you do not need to have a meditation practice; we will chat about meditation and mindfulness , what these both are, and how you can work with mindfulness in a way that works for you as an individual.

How long do I have access to the material?

You will have access to the material for a full year, and you will have access to the community group for the duration of the program (12 weeks).

Is this course for me if I have a diagnosed (or suspected) mental health condition, PTSD or Complex PTSD?

Of course I would love to say that this course can help anyone, but these challenges look differently for everyone, and the reality is that you might be in the stage of growth where one on one, live support is best for you.

While this course is designed to stabilize and connect with yourself in a more grounded way, some of the processes and reflections can be overwhelming for those with histories or trauma or long term challenges with mental health.

If this is you, please consult with your counsellor or doctor that knows where you are at before signing up. I would be happy to answer any questions that you, or your support team might have, just send me an email at